Wednesday 14 August 2013

Season 1: Episode 2, 01:00:00 - 02:00:00

Ok I have to start this blog with a confession; I had to watch this episode again to remember what happened because I left it far too long between watching and writing. Lesson learnt. I have also got to admit, and some people might have noticed this, but a few things that I blog about in episode 1 actually didn’t happen until episode 2…. This project is starting to feel messy and unorganised so I might have to impose some rules on myself!

With all that in mind, onto the episode:

At the start of each episode they go through what happened before, this reminds me that Alan York called Terri about her daughter being missing. Now that makes him even more suspicious to me, I definitely do not trust him.

The actual episode begins with ‘bomb girl’ landing in the sand and then burning her clothes and burying the ID – now this was something I mistakenly thought happened in the last episode so I won’t go back through that part! Although Dan and I realise why she would have buried the ID within 2 minutes of someone showing up and un-burying it – it’s so that the people she is working for don’t kill her and take the ID. Clever girl.

Ok we are back at CTU and they are looking into the flight that blew up – they want to know if this is at all involved with the threat on Palmer’s life. It is the first real look we get at Tony in the team and he isn’t a likable character at first; he is very nosey, suspicious and acts like he is entitled to information. To be honest from the two episodes I have seen, I have no favourite character; everyone has a dislikeable trait about them. The only one that so far hasn’t annoyed me and seems to be good at her job is Jamie, also in the CTU team.

Back at the furniture store Terri and Alan meet and have a look around to see if the girls are still there – there is food and wrappers everywhere and the place is a tip but to really prove they were there he shows Terri a used condom wrapper. Now to me this is unnecessary information for a mother that is already worried about her missing daughter. Quite insensitive of old Alan York!

Anyway Terri talks to Jack and asks him to come and help her look for Kim but he can’t as has just got the call from ‘Walsh’ who is being shot at. Again this is something I wrote about in the first blog in error! But now I have watched the episode back I know that Walsh was in that building to discuss the threat on Palmer’s life with the man that found the evidence about it. He was promptly killed once he agreed to carry on helping. Poor guy, he just wanted to go meet his family…

When Jack calls CTU to get the pass code for the building from Nina, Tony listens in. Now we have only seen a bit of Tony but I get the feeling they want us to believe he is the spy in CTU as he is always asking questions and now is monitoring phone calls. Either that or he is just jealous as Nina obviously has still got the hots for Jack – got to love a love triangle J

We go back to Palmer’s hotel room and his wife asks about the phone call he received earlier. He brushes her off saying it was nothing and that seems to be good enough for her. I’m sorry but either she is the sort of wife that doesn’t question her husband at all OR she actually believes him, either way she comes across like she doesn’t really know her husband enough to know when he isn’t being honest with her. So far their relationship has only caused me frustration!

A bit later Palmer has another secret conversation on the phone and we find out a little bit more about the original call he received. It was a lady called Maureen Kinsley – we don’t know much more than this but I expect it will be a subject that will come back. After the phone call the secret service turn up looking for Palmer due to the threats on his life but when they try to find him they realise he has left. Alone. Uh oh!

So we are back with the, I am going to call the bomber and the guys she works for the ‘Terrorists’ so it is clear who I am talking about, terrorists and the ID is being explained. Basically one of these guys has had plastic surgery so now he looks just like the photographer whose ID they stole. This group are working on the attack on Palmer and the photographer was on the flight because he was going to be taking photos of Palmer at an event. See, it is all coming together J

The person who dug up the ID from the sand is the bomber’s girlfriend. Instead of giving the leader the ID she gives him a picture and tries to take charge of the situation and make sure her and her girlfriend get even more for the ID. This really pisses off the main guy and pisses off bomber girl as it is making her look like she is playing him.

Back to my favourite story line, the kidnapping. Terri is still at the furniture store and they have more information on the boys that are with the girls. One of them works for the furniture store and they have found the owner’s name but they can’t get his number. So Terri says she will call her husband as he can help. When Alan asks how she said ‘he works for the government so can get access to that sort of thing’ – surely she isn’t meant to tell just anyone that information? Nina answers the phone and says that Jack isn’t there but Terri asks for her help and – after a little bit of pressure from Terri – she gives in and gets the number for Terri. I assume out of guilt because she has feelings for Jack.

We go back to the Jack story which we already know about because I thought this had already happened. Walsh has been shot but his last words to Jack are ‘take the card and give it to Jamie to match it to a computer. Match the computer to the dirty agent’. Then Jack runs off and calls Jamie with the details – I told you Jamie was good!

We finally go back to Kim and the boys have pulled the van over and are trying to get Kim to call her mum to say she is alright. Kim refuses so the main kidnapper breaks Kim’s friend’s arm as an incentive to do what he asks. She, of course, does and speaks to Terri. This part is the most annoying of all the scenes so far and adds to my dislike of Terri. Kim calls her and makes no effort to sound like she is ok and having a good time at this party, in fact she sounds scared, upset and like she has been crying. But Terri doesn’t seem to notice and when she gets off the phone she says the weird thing is that Kim ended the conversation saying ‘I love you’. I can’t believe that she doesn’t notice a problem – it is so obvious.

Meanwhile Jamie has located the match for the card and sent the details over to Jack… It is NINA! I feel un-shocked as I think she is another dodgy character, but have we found out the spy in CTU within the second episode? Is it a double bluff? I guess I will have to let you know!

Episode 2 down, 22 more to go…

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